BBQ Chicken Thighs with Sweetcorn and Tarragon


This mouth-watering recipe is ready in just 45 minutes and the ingredients detailed below can serve up to 8 people.

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1. Boil sweet corn on cob with fresh tarragon. Remove cob from and cut kernels off.

2. Add chopped chilli, squeeze lime and red onion. Set aside.

3. Place chicken thighs into large tray, drizzle with olive oil and season with coarse salt.

4. Add red onion, chilli, lemons, squeeze of 1 lemon, water and fresh ginger. Then rub in marinade and glaze and cover with foil.

5. Place in oven and cook at 180 degrees for 45min.

6. For the glaze, mix all spices, jam and oil together in a pestle and morter to form a paste.

To finish:

1. Heat non-stick pan over a high heat. Take chicken out of oven, remove chicken skin and lay on serving board.

2. Sear chicken thighs in hot pan, add spoonful of plum jam to chicken sauce, then pour into pan with chicken (reserving lemon and red onion).

3. Spoon sweetcorn onto serving board before topping with glazed chicken thighs

4. Squeeze cooked lemon over chicken, top with feta for final flourish and serve.

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