Curry Goat

curry goat

A traditional Trinidadian recipe, Curry Goat is an aromatic, tender dish that makes for the ultimate comfort food.

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Step 1

In a sealable container, combine the meat, 1 tablespoon curry powder, salt and shado beni. Mix and let sit for an hour, or while you prepare the other ingredients.

Step 2

In a skillet or saucepan over medium heat, saute the garlic and onions in a little cooking oil until clear. Then stir in the remaining 1 tablespoon curry powder. Stir until the curry paste turns a little dark.

Step 3

Then add the seasoned meat and increase the heat, stirring until the meat is slightly browned. Add 3 cups water and simmer covered, stirring every 15 minutes, for about an hour. It's finished when most of the water has cooked off and the meat is tender to your liking.

Step 4

Serve with roti and a hot pepper sauce on the side.

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