Festive cheese board


Something for everyone – from rich mature cheddar and creamy brie to crunchy smoked almonds and sweet chilli jam. Washed down with a dram of Laphroaig’s finest. This truly is a festive feast for the senses.

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  • A variety of cheeses of your choice – we went for stilton, brie and cheddar. Serve with your choice of accompaniments such as:


Tasting notes

Something for everyone – from rich mature cheddar and creamy brie to crunchy smoked almonds and sweet chilli jam. Washed down with a dram of Laphroaig’s finest. This truly is a festive feast for the senses. 


1. Use a large board or platter and arrange the cheeses so that there is plenty of space around them.

2. Slice chilled goat’s cheese into discs.

3. Cut block cheeses (such as cheddar or red Leicester) into wedges by slicing rectangles and halving diagonally. Alternatively, cut them into small cubes.

4. Leave any soft cheeses whole (such as brie and blue).

5. Scatter roasted cashews, pecans, and smoked almonds in any small gaps. 

6. Stack assorted crackers, biscuits, and breadsticks around the board.

7. Serve chutney, mustard, olives, and honey or chilli jam in small bowls.

8. Finish the board with bunches of grapes, figs, and apple slices.

Serving suggestion

Arrange your cheeses on your board of choice. We used a slate serving platter.

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