Sophie Grigson's Torta di Frutta Fresca

Sophie Grigson's Torta di Frutta Fresca

Delight your dinner guests with a slice of Sophie's Italian Fresh Fruit Cake, taken from series two of Sophie Grigson: Slice of Italy.

A fallback image for Food Network UK


  • Whipped Mascarpone with Cotto di Fichi or Pomegranate Molasses


Step 1

Pre-heat the oven to 180C/Fan 160/Gas 4. Line the base of a 23 cm cake tin with baking parchment and grease the sides. Mix the flour, baking powder and orange zest.

Step 2

Set aside 3 tablespoons caster sugar. Whisk the rest with the eggs and vanilla extract until thick and pale. Fold the flour in a little at a time, alternating with the melted butter.

Step 3

Cut the peaches, or nectarines or plums into slices about as thick as a £1 coin, discarding the stones.

Step 4

Spoon half the cake batter into the prepared tin. Scatter over just under half the prepared fruit. Spoon the remaining batter on top, smooth down lightly then scatter the remaining slices of fruit over the top. Sprinkle over the reserved sugar. Bake for 55—60 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean of cake mixture, but possibly smeared with steaming fruit juices.

Step 5

Rest for a few minutes in its tin, then transfer to a wire rack to cool. Serve in big wedges, slightly warm (with whipped mascarpone, below) or at room temperature.

For the Whipped Mascarpone with Cotto di Fichi/Pomegranate Molasses

Whip the mascarpone with just enough cream to give a light, smooth cloud. Fold in a little caster sugar – you’re aiming for no more than a nudge of sweetness – and a good drizzle of cotto di fiche or pomegranate molasses. Taste and add more sugar or cotto or molasses if you fancy it. Cover and chill until needed.

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