Spiced Brandy Ice Cream with Caramelised Clementines


Crunchy clementines and spicy ice-cream... Textured and tasty.

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Christmas Recipes
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Bring the milk and cream to a simmer with all the spices. Cover with cling film and allow to infuse for ten minutes.

Mix the egg yolks and sugar together well. Reheat the milk-cream infusion and gently poor over the eggs while mixing.

Pass the mix through a sieve into a pan and back onto the stove. Stir gently on the stove until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.

Add the brandy and place in an ice cream machine (or in the freezer and whisk every 20 minutes until it is set).

To make the seared Clementine’s cut them in half and dip in to demerara sugar. Place them in a hot dry pan sugar side down and sear until caramelised.

Serve with scoops of the ice cream.

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