Tom Kerridge's Crab and Broad Beans on Toast


This dish really does have the taste of summer about it - just make sure all your ingredients are as fresh as possible. The crab meat is the star of the show here so buy it picked and super fresh. Better still, buy a crab to cook and pick the meat yourself! The dish is very easy to prepare and assemble and has bags of flavour.

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  • To serve:


  1. Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil and place a bowl of iced water in the sink. Add the broad beans to the boiling water and blanch for 3-5 minutes until tender. Drain well, then immediately plunge them into the iced water to stop the cooking. Leave to cool, then drain well and pop the beans out of their grey outer skins. Leave on one side until needed.
  2. Meanwhile, bring another large pan of water to the boil and set another bowl of iced water in the sink. Cut a shallow cross in the top of each tomato, then put into the boiling water and boil for 10 seconds, then immediately drain them and transfer to the iced water to stop the cooking. Drain the tomatoes again, then use a small knife to peel off the skins. Cut the tomatoes in half, scoop out the seeds and finely dice the flesh. Leave to one side until needed.
  3. Heat three tablespoons of rapeseed oil in a deep frying pan or sauté pan over a medium heat. Add the shallots and stir. Once the shallots have softened, add the garlic and season with salt and pepper. Add the white crab meat and gently heat through then add the broad beans. Finally, once everything has warmed through, stir in the brown crab meat, marjoram, diced tomatoes and lemon zest. 
  4. Finally add the remaining 150ml rapeseed oil and the vinegar, season and gently mix everything together then turn off the heat. 
  5. Spoon the mixture generously onto slices of freshly toasted sourdough to serve. 
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