Tom Kerridge's Fire Pit Flatbreads with Creamy Burrata Salad


A fresh summer dish

A fallback image for Food Network UK


  • For the salad

  • For the garlic and herb flatbread



1. Slice the tomatoes and add them to a bowl. Sprinkle over the onions and sliced garlic, season with the salt and leave for 10-15 minutes. 

2. Heat the olive oil gently, remove from heat and add the garlic. Leave to cool and then stir in the parsley and keep to one side. 

3. While you wait for the tomatoes to cure; bind the flour, salt, olive oil, water and work to a smooth dough and then roll into 4 large flatbreads.  

4. Place the flatbreads onto the grill and watch them puff up. After 1-2 minutes flip over and repeat the time. 

5. Once cooked remove from the heat and brush with the garlic and parsley oil.

6. Then keep warm in a sheet of tin foil. 

7. Once the tomatoes release some liquid, add some olive oil, tabasco and basil, to create a flavourful dressing. 

8. To serve, place a flatbread onto each serving plate. Lay the tomatoes over the bread.

9. Then tear the burrata over the tomatoes and lay a few pickled and smoked anchovies over the tomatoes.

10. Spoon a little dressing over each plate and scatter over the salad leaves.

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