Tuna Tarter on Cucumber by ROKU


This mouth-watering recipe is ready in just 15 minutes and the ingredients detailed below can serve up to 10 people.

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1. Finely chop onion and chilli and set aside, covered. Peel the skin of the lime but try to keep a large piece. Cut them into thin pieces and approx. 2cm long. Keep the lime peel in cold water in the fridge until assembling.

2. Slice cucumber into approx. 5-7mm thick slices. If the cucumber disc diameter is small, try to cut slightly diagonally to create a wider surface like blini size. If any excess water comes out from the cut surface of the cucumber, pat dry them with kitchen paper.

3. Carefully cut fresh tuna into approx. 8cm cubes. It’s best to cut tuna just before serving.

4. Just before serving, mix lime juice, sesame oil, chopped onion and chilli in a medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper and then add cubed tuna pieces. Mix them gently. Leave them to marinate for 1-2 minutes only. If you leave them any longer, tuna will be over cured, which means the colour will change to brown and the texture becomes harder and dry.

5. Lay cucumber on the serving plate/tray and then place tuna cubes on top of the cucumber. Sprinkle toasted white sesame seeds and garnish with thin lime peel and micro herb. Serve immediately.

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