Sophie Grigson's Brasciole al Sugo con Polenta
Searching for dinner inspiration? Look no further than slow-cooked beef or veal rolls in tomato sauce with polenta, taken from Series Two of Sophie Grigson: Slice of Italy.
For the Brasciole
For the Sauce
For the Polenta
Ask your butcher to cut the thin slices of beef or veal for you; they need to be no more than ¼ cm thick at most. You will also need at least 16 wooden cocktail sticks or some kitchen string.
Step 1
Begin with the brasciole themselves. Gently bash each slice of meat to spread it out even more thinly. Lay them all out in front of you. Season with salt and pepper.
Step 2
. In the centre of each one pile up the following: roughly half a tablespoon parsley, ¼ teaspoon chopped garlic, 4 cubes of pancetta, a teaspoon of capers, a heaped teaspoon pecorino. Reserve the excess parsley and pancetta to add to the sauce.
Step 3
Fold the two opposite sides of the meat over the filling, then roll right up. Secure each braciola with a couple of wooden cocktail sticks or tie a short length of kitchen string around it.
Step 4
Now for the sauce. Put olive oil, onion, carrot, celery, garlic and remaining pancetta into a decent sized saucepan or casserole with a heavy base. Place over a moderate heat and cook for 5 minutes or so.
Step 5
Nestle the brasciole in amongst the vegetables. Continue frying, turning the brasciole every few minutes until they are lightly browned. Pour in the wine and let it sizzle it away for a minute or so.
Step 6
Next pour in the passata and half a litre of water. Stir in the remaining parsley and pancetta, then season with salt and pepper. Bring up to a simmer then cover and turn the heat right down low. Leave to simmer quietly for 2 hours.
Step 7
Check it regularly, stirring gently, and adding a few more splashes of water if it threatens to catch on the base. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve over a heap of steaming, golden polenta.
For the Polenta
Bring 1 litre water to the boil in a roomy saucepan. Pour in the polenta, whisking constantly so that it doesn’t form lumps. Now stir until thick and soft (check the packet for a time guide, usually 1-4 minutes). Draw off the heat and beat in the butter and cheese. Serve immediately with the brasciole and tomato sauce.