

1. In a pan add the oil and put it on a medium heat. Add the garlic cloves, peppercorns, bay leaves, thyme, carrot and onion and season. Fry it for a couple of minutes, until it’s all dente.

2. Pan fry the mackerel in a non stick pan, skin side down for 1 minutes to brown the skin, only half cooking the fish. Then remove from pan. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of pimento into the pan with carrots, onion and spices. Add the vinegar and wine and cook for a further 15 seconds.

3. Allow it cool slightly and then put it on top of the fish and leave it to marinade in the fridge for at least a couple of hours.

4. To make the tapenade, blend all the ingredients into a coarse mix in a food processor.

5. Slice the ciabatta bread, drizzle some oil on it and toast it on a griddle pan and rub it with a garlic clove.

6. On a plate, put the bread, spoon on some tapenade, lay on some slices of avocado, fish and vegetables with some of the juices.

Recipe courtesy of Omar Allibhoy

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