Cheese Muffins


This mouth-watering recipe is ready in just 23 minutes and the ingredients detailed below can serve up to 14 people.

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Rub the margarine into the flour in a large bowl and then add the grated cheese, salt & pepper.

Beat the eggs into the mixture.

Next gradually add the milk whilst continually mixing into a batter.

We do suggest you add some sunflower oil spray, to the Muffin Maker to eliminate the possibility of sticking (a thin layer of butter/margarine can also be used).

Now using a spoon, decant the mixture into the Muffin cavities leaving space for the mixture to expand, once you have done this close the lid and turn the machine on at the switch.

Leave for 7-8 minutes and check for browning around the sides of the muffins. They may need to be left for a further 1-2 minutes. Once you are happy you can switch off the machine and leave to cool for a few minutes before removing with a wooden or plastic utensil.

Recipe courtesy of Gourmet Gadgetry.

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