Full-English Breakfast Potato Bowls


This mouth-watering recipe is ready in just 45 minutes and the ingredients detailed below can serve up to 4 people.

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1. Use a fork to make a few holes in the potatoes. Place the potatoes on a piece of tin foil and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and then wrap each one up in its own piece of foil. Bake at 200°C/390°F for an hour or until the flesh is tender. Allow to cool for 20 minutes.

2. Split the potatoes down the middle lengthways and use a teaspoon to scoop the fluffy middles out into a bowl and set aside for another recipe.

3. Place the potato skins onto a flat baking tray, hollowed out shells facing upwards. Fill the base with cheese, beans, black pudding, mushrooms and sausage. Crack an egg on top of each potato and season with salt and pepper. Bake for 20 minutes or until the egg is cooked but the yolk is still runny.

4. Sprinkle with chopped crispy bacon and parsley and top with a disc of toast.

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