Michel Roux's Baked Apples in Puff Pastry

baked apples in puff pastry

Served with crème fraiche scented with calvados, Michel Roux's Baked Apples in Puff Pastry are beautifully light and decadent, the perfect sweet-treat. Taken from the show Roux Down the River.

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  1. Preheat the oven to 350F/180C/Gas 4.
  2. Remove the stones from the prunes then finely chop and place into a bowl. Add the sultanas, ½ tbsp of sugar, orange zest and cinnamon and mix together well.
  3. Peel and core the apples- you may need to use the corer to make the holes a little bigger- then fill with the stuffing.
  4. Lightly egg wash the puff pastry strips and wrap one around each apple. Egg wash the pastry again then sprinkle over the remaining sugar. Put a knob of butter on top of each apple then place onto a small baking sheet and cook for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove from the oven and serve with crème fraiche scented with calvados.
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