Michel Roux's Croissant and Butter Pudding
Michel Roux's Croissant and Butter Pudding gives the classic dessert a flaky, french twist.
- Grease a 20cm round or square baking dish with a little butter and pre-heat your oven to 170C/ 375F/ Gas 5.
- Place the raisins in a small bowl and pour the rum on top. The dried fruit will absorb the alcohol whilst you get along with the rest of the recipe.
- Pour the milk into a small saucepan and scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod and add to the pan. Heat until almost simmering whilst you keep stirring, making sure the milk does not burn.
- In the meantime, whisk together the eggs and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Once the milk is hot (but not boiling) gradually pour into the egg mix whisking continuously. Cut each croissant into 4 pieces then one by one, drop each slice into the liquid mix. Let the slices absorb the liquid for a couple of minutes before removing from the bowl and carefully arranging in your baking dish.
- Repeat the process until you have used up all your croissant pieces and the baking dish doesn’t have any gaps. Pour the raisins and rum into the remaining liquid mix and empty it all over the top of the pudding.
- Sprinkle a little sugar over the pudding and scatter the cubes of butter on top before baking for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.
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