Michel Roux's Sandwich Bread Loaf


Michel Roux's soft, golden bread loaf is the perfect base for any sandwich imaginable. Simply add your filling of choice and prepare for a blissful lunch.

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  1.  Stir the golden syrup and melted butter into the warm milk until well combined. Crumble the yeast into a large bowl, then pour over the warm milk and stir until the yeast has dissolved.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix until a smooth dough forms. Cover the bowl with cling film and set aside for 5 minutes.
  3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead for 10 minutes, or until smooth and elastic. Return the dough to the bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour, or until the dough has nearly doubled in size.
  4. Meanwhile, grease and flour a 12cm x 20cm/5in x 8in loaf tin.
  5. Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface again and knock back a few times. Divide equally into two pieces and shape into balls. Place the dough balls side by side in the prepared bread tin, cover with a tea towel and set aside for 45 minutes or until doubled in size again.
  6. Preheat the oven to 220C/410F/Gas 7.
  7. Using a sharp knife, slash the dough a few times and place into the oven immediately. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and bake for a further 30 minutes, or until the bread is golden-brown. To check if the bread is done, remove from the tin and tap the bottom with your knuckles – it should sound hollow.
  8. Leave the bread loaf to cool on a wire rack.
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