Michel Roux's Salade de Poissons Fumes


Michel Roux's smoked fish platter starter, inspired by the Mediterranean Coast.

A fallback image for Food Network UK


  • Mackerel Seasonings

  • Red Mullet Seasonings

  • Salmon Seasonings

  • For the BBQ

  • Sauce Verte

  • Salad


Step 1

Place some kindling into the bottom of the BBQ and light them. When there is a bit of flame, place your wood into the BBQ. Leave the wood to fire up over 5-10 minutes.

Step 2

Mix the seasonings together and spread over the flesh side of each fish.

Step 3

When the flame dies down, place the grill into the BBQ. Next, add in the walnut shells. Some of them will fall onto the flames which is great, and the others can act as a bed for the salmon. Then, place the rosemary onto the grill.

Step 4

Place the fish on top of the rosemary and then cover with the lid. Depending on the thickness of the fish, it should take around 10 mins. When cooked, remove the fish from the BBQ and leave the rest in the fridge until needed.

Step 5

For the sauce verte, add the herbs, egg yolk, dijon mustard and vinegar into a small food processor. Blend all the ingredients and begin to pour in the oil as it blends. You should end up with a mayonnaise consistency. Season to taste and add a little water to loosen it up if needed.

Step 6

Lay out all the salad ingredients onto a large platter. Top with the fish and spoon the sauce verte into a little bowl. Serve in the middle of the table and let everyone help themselves.

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