Michel Roux's Venison Pies

michel roux's venison pies

Michel Roux's golden pies are filled with succulent venison and served with farce à gratin, taken from the show Roux Down the River.

A fallback image for Food Network UK


  • For the Farce à Gratin::

  • For the Pies:


  1. First make the farce à gratin. Sear the liver in a very hot frying pan with the duck fat. After a few seconds, add the shallots, thyme and bay leaf, then season well. When the livers are still very pink, add the port and take off the heat. Press it all, including the liquid, through a coarse drum sieve and set aside to cool.
  2. Once cool, add the minced venison, pork and pork fat, port and seasoning to the farce and mix well. Shape the mixture into balls of about 4¼oz/120g (slightly smaller than a tennis ball).
  3. Preheat the oven to 350F/180C/Gas 4.
  4. Butter the rings, about 8cm across and 4cm tall, and line with rolled out pastry. Put a ball of forcemeat in each and glaze generously with beaten egg. Top with discs of pastry and glaze again. Make a hole in the top of each pie, and insert a small strip of rolled up greaseproof paper as a 'chimney’ so the steam can escape. Bake for 45 minutes.
  5. Once cooked, run a small sharp knife around the edge of the rings to loosen each pie then remove. Serve right away or leave to cool.
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