Try serving your favourite pancakes with a fruity sorbet for a cool twist.
1) Preheat a griddle or large frying pan over medium heat.
2) In a small bowl, whisk together the pancake mix and water until just blended and slightly lumpy.
3) Melt the butter on the griddle. For each pancake, add 1 tbsp of batter to the griddle. Cook until golden brown, about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes on each side. Remove to a plate and allow the pancakes to cool completely.
4) Add the chocolate chips and cream to a small bowl. Set the bowl over a small saucepan of barely simmering water. Stir until the chocolate melts and the mixture is smooth.
5) To serve, put a pancake on a small serving plate. Top with a scoop of sorbet and put another pancake on top of the sorbet. Drizzle with the chocolate sauce and garnish with raspberries. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.