Organic Gnocchi with Fennel and Horseradish

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1. Mix the hot potato without the skins to smooth then knead in the flour and chopped fennel.

2. Season lightly with salt and pepper.

3. Divide mix into two and roll out to a thick sausage about 2cm wide.

4. Use a sharp knife to cut bite size pieces.

5. Bring a pan of salted water to boil.

6. Place the gnocchi in to cook.

7. When it floats to the top it is ready.

8. Scoop out with a slotted spoon and refresh in ice cold water and drain if you are not serving immediately.

9. Heat a non-stick pan and drizzle with a little oil, pan fry the gnocchi to crispy or golden brown, add fennel seeds and cook for 1 minute.

10. Serve immediately with some wilted thinly sliced fennel tossed in a little oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper (or fennel leftover from lemon chicken with fennel dish).

11. To make the sauce, place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to boil, cover and leave warm until ready to serve. Blitz with a hand blender or whisk together before serving.

For more inspiration and tips visit the Organic UK Facebook page.

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