Sophie Grigson's Chocolate & Olive Oil Mousse


Incredibly rich and incredibly gorgeous. That’s probably all I need say except that even the locals think it sounds weird. Thankfully all misapprehension dissolves once tasted.

A fallback image for Food Network UK


  • To serve:


  1.      Melt the chocolate, then leave to cool for 5 minutes or so. Whisk the egg yolks with the muscovado sugar, until the sugar has dissolved. Whisk in the olive oil a little at a time to create a gorgeous voluptuous thick gloop. Whisk the melted chocolate, a slurp or two at a time, into the gloop.  You should end up with an even more voluptuous, thick, glossy, chocolatey gloop but don’t panic if it shows ominous signs of graining. Just carry on and all will be fine.       
  2. Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Fold into the chocolate mixture. Divide between 4 small bowls or espresso cups or ramekins and chill for a few hours.      
  3. Just before serving drip a few drops of fresh olive oil over each mousse, and sprinkle with a few flakes of salt.  
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