Sophie Grigson's Foglie di Ulivo Pasta with Salsa Cruda

Foglie di Ulivo Pasta with Salsa Cruda

Make your dinner from scratch with this beautiful Green Olive Leaf Pasta recipe taken from Series Two of Sophie Grigson: Slice of Italy.

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  • For the Pasta

  • For the Sauce:

  • To Serve


Step 1

Drain the spinach, reserving cooking water. If using frozen spinach, just thaw. Whizz the spinach in the processor with just enough water to form a smooth puree.

Step 2

Pile the flour onto the work surface in a mound, then make a well in the centre. Think volcano crater in miniature. Scoop the spinach into the centre. Mix to a verdant dough, adding a splash or two of hot water as needed. Ultimately the dough needs to be firm enough to hold its shape when worked but not dry and crumbly. Knead enthusiastically for 5-10 minutes until smooth and silky. Cover with a bowl or wrap in clingfilm and leave to rest at room temperature for half an hour.

Step 3

Line several trays with clean tea towels and dust with flour. Take a large knob of the dough (keep the rest covered) and roll into a 1/2 cm thick sausage. Cut into 3 cm lengths. Form into olive leaf shapes and spread out on the tea towel. Set aside while you make the sauce.

Step 4

To make the sauce, mix all the ingredients. Stir, then chill until needed. Taste and adjust seasonings, which should be a touch on the heavy side to counteract the neutrality of the pasta.

Step 5

Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Add the foglie d’ulive pasta and cook for 3-6 minutes until al dente. Drain, then toss with the salsa. Serve at once, with Parmesan for those that want it.

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