Sophie Grigson's Foglie di Ulivo Pasta with Salsa Cruda
Make your dinner from scratch with this beautiful Green Olive Leaf Pasta recipe taken from Series Two of Sophie Grigson: Slice of Italy.
For the Pasta
For the Sauce:
To Serve
Step 1
Drain the spinach, reserving cooking water. If using frozen spinach, just thaw. Whizz the spinach in the processor with just enough water to form a smooth puree.
Step 2
Pile the flour onto the work surface in a mound, then make a well in the centre. Think volcano crater in miniature. Scoop the spinach into the centre. Mix to a verdant dough, adding a splash or two of hot water as needed. Ultimately the dough needs to be firm enough to hold its shape when worked but not dry and crumbly. Knead enthusiastically for 5-10 minutes until smooth and silky. Cover with a bowl or wrap in clingfilm and leave to rest at room temperature for half an hour.
Step 3
Line several trays with clean tea towels and dust with flour. Take a large knob of the dough (keep the rest covered) and roll into a 1/2 cm thick sausage. Cut into 3 cm lengths. Form into olive leaf shapes and spread out on the tea towel. Set aside while you make the sauce.
Step 4
To make the sauce, mix all the ingredients. Stir, then chill until needed. Taste and adjust seasonings, which should be a touch on the heavy side to counteract the neutrality of the pasta.
Step 5
Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Add the foglie d’ulive pasta and cook for 3-6 minutes until al dente. Drain, then toss with the salsa. Serve at once, with Parmesan for those that want it.