Sophie Grigson's Pizza Crudaiola


A simple pizza base is topped with fresh summer flavours.

Featured In:
Italian Recipes
A fallback image for Food Network UK


  • For Pizza Dough:

  • Toppings Per Pizza:


Pizza Dough:  

  1. Put the water into a large bowl and stir in the salt. Add about 100g flour and mix, then add the yeast. Now gradually work in the remaining flour. Knead briefly in the bowl, then turn out onto a lightly floured worksurface and knead vigorously for 10 minutes until smooth and bouncy. Form into a ball and place in a lightly oil bowl. Cover with a beeswax cloth, or a damp tea towel and ignore for 2 hours.        
  2. Divide into 6 or 7 pieces and shape each one into a ball. Place on a floured tray or large roasting tin, leaving space between the balls so they have room to rise. Cover with beeswax cloth or cling film or slide into a large carrier bag and tuck the ends underneath one end. Leave to rise very gently and slowly for 24 hours, until doubled in size.      
  3. If the weather/your kitchen is on the hot side, they may rise more quickly.   If so, pop them in the fridge but bring back to room temperature before using.    

Pizza Crudaiola:  

  1. In a pizza oven - Heat the oven in good time. It must reach a temperature of at least 400C before cooking the pizza. In a domestic oven - Put a baking stone, or an upturned baking tray into the oven. Preheat the oven to its maximum heat.      
  2. On a lightly floured surface, stretch the dough out with your finger tips or with a rolling pin to form a large disc.   Shake off excess flour, then lay on your pizza paddle/a flat baking sheet.   Slide and shake it off the pizza paddle/baking sheet directly onto the hot floor of the pizza oven or onto the pizza stone or baking tray in a domestic oven.   Cook for 2 minutes in the pizza oven, then turn and cook for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown, puffed and spotted with dark brown here and there. In the domestic oven, cook for 2 minutes and then turn and cook for another 2 minutes.    
  3. Take the pizza base out of the oven and lay on a serving plate. Make a bed of rocket, then tumble the chunks of tomato over it. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Dot with mozzarella and lay the prosciutto on top or scatter over shavings of Parmesan. Finish with a few basil leaves and a drizzle of olive oil. Serve at once. 

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