Sophie Grigson's Sgombro Arracanate

Sophie Grigson's Sgombro Arracanate

Serve up this delicious dish of Mackerel with Breadcrumbs, Mint and Capers. Taken from Series Two of Sophie Grigson: Slice of Italy.

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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 250C/230 Fan/Gas Mark 8. Check your mackerel fillets and trim out any small bones or finny bits.

Step 2

Oil an ovenproof dish and lay the fillets, skin-side down in the dish. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 3

Process the breadcrumbs with the garlic, oregano, mint and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Stir in the capers, then sprinkle over the fish.

Step 4

Drizzle over the wine. Bake for 10-12 minutes and whip out of the oven as soon as the breadcrumbs are nicely browned.

Step 5

Tuck a few wedges of lemon alongside and serve.

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