Marcus Wareing's Mediterranean Veg BBQ with Tomato Salad and Harissa Yoghurt
With a creamy harissa yoghurt for dipping, these seasoned vegetables are grilled to perfection for the perfect barbecue spread.
For the veggie BBQ:
For the tomato salad:
For the harissa yoghurt:
It is important to start with the vegetables that will take the most time.
- Drizzle the carrot halves generously with olive oil and some balsamic vinegar. Season with salt, pepper, a sprig of fresh rosemary and if you wish add further fresh herbs of your choosing. Add the two smashed cloves of garlic with the skins on, and wrap together in foil.
- Place the foil directly on the barbeque coals for about 5 minutes, then place on the grill to cook further, turning constantly for another 20-25 minutes until roasted. Once cooked, remove from grill and keep wrapped in foil to retain heat
- Peel off outer leaves of artichokes to reveal tender inner bulb, keeping the stem on but peeling this too. Once peeled, place in a bowl and drizzle with oil, tossing to cover.
- Place the artichokes directly on the grill, turning every minute or so, about 10 minutes. Remove once charred and cooked on the inside. Place into a bowl, drizzle with oil and a generous glug of balsamic vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Cover tightly with foil to seal in heat and marinate.
- Place the spring onions (outer layer peeled) directly on the barbeque, turning to get an even char on each side. Remove after about 2-3 minutes, once limp and nicely charred. If a bit too burnt, simply cut off the burnt parts before assembling. On a tray, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper, and a few leaves of fresh rosemary.
- For the tomato salad: chop the cherry vine tomatoes and place in a small bowl. Add the shallots (finely sliced), using your fingers to separate the pieces, with a pinch of salt and a twist of pepper. Add a pinch of capers, then drizzle more olive oil on top.
- Add 2 halves of 1 lemon directly to the grill, with the green peppers and the bulb of garlic. Drizzle the aubergine halves in olive oil, salt and pepper, then place on the grill face down. Let the veg cook for about 10-15 minutes, until charred, turning constantly to cook evenly. Drizzle the aubergine with more olive oil if necessary, and once cooked, you can place garlic halves on aubergine for a little extra flavour. Remove all veg from the barbeque once nicely charred and the aubergine has softened.
- For the harissa yoghurt: combine natural yoghurt, harissa paste to taste and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
- Once all veg is off the heat, start by slicing the cooked artichokes in half, using a teaspoon to scoop out the ‘choke’ (the inedible furry inner part) - making sure to wash hands afterwards to avoid this being transferred to any other parts of the meal. Then place face down back into the bowl of oil and balsamic.
- To serve, spread the harissa yoghurt on a plate, reserving any extras for a side dip if necessary. Neatly arrange the artichokes around the edge and arrange the spring onions on top of the yoghurt. Slice the aubergine halves in half again and arrange on the spring onions. Place a charred lemon half on each side and season with a pinch of salt and a twist of pepper and some fresh herbs. Drizzle olive oil over the harissa yoghurt, grilled veg, tomato salad and roasted carrots, and enjoy.
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