Marcus Wareing's Tomato Toast


Marcus Wareing's Tomato Toast is mouth-wateringly moreish, with a medley of tomato pulp and garlic topping a golden-toasted baguette. Simple, yet effective.

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Any leftover tomato skins or garlic can be used as part of a stock or sauce, instead of being thrown away. Put them in a sealed bag within the freezer if not used immediately.

  1. Diagonally slice a portion of bread, two inches thick. Cut in half the other way, so each slice only has crust on the base. 
  2. Heat a splash of olive oil in a pan over medium heat. When the pan has heated, put both sections of bread soft-side down in the pan. Flip to the other side when it has browned.
  3. Place a sieve within a large bowl. Using a grater, grate a tomato over the sieve to catch the pulp and allow the juice to collect in the bowl. When you are left with just the tomato skin, repeat the process with the other tomatoes. 
  4. Use a spoon to help push the remaining liquid in the pulp through the sieve. Transfer the pulp into a separate bowl.
  5.  Use a garlic grater plate or garlic press to crush the garlic and remove the skin. 
  6. Place the garlic into the tomato pulp then add a splash of oil, salt and pepper and mix to combine.
  7. Remove the toasted bread from the pan when browned on both sides. Use a tablespoon to load the thick pulp over the bread. Drizzle with oil and season to serve.
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