Marcus Wareing's Ice Cream Float


Merging the fizz of cola with delicious ice-cream, an Ice Cream Float is a true summertime treat. Add Marcus' spiced syrup to bring this dessert to new levels.

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  • For the spiced syrup:

  • For the glass rim:

  • To assemble:


  1. To make the sugar syrup; place the water, sugar, and orange juice into a small saucepan.      Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and add the star anise and cardamom. Allow to cook for about five minutes until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup has reduced by about half. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.
  2. To prepare the serving glass – dip the rim into the egg white. Tip a little caster sugar mixed with orange zest onto a small dish, then dip the glass rim into the sugar, twisting gently to coat the edge. 
  3. To assemble, fill the prepared glass with ice cubes. Pour in 2 tbsp of the spiced sugar syrup into the glass, followed by the rum. Pour in the cola so it almost reaches the top. Finish with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. Serve at once!


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