Marcus Wareing's Salmon Pithivier with Spring Onions, Chives and Dill

Salmon Pithivier with spring onions, chives and dill

An elegant puff pastry filled with salmon and spring onions, chives, and dill. This airy, fresh dish is as delicious as it looks. Taken from the show Marcus Wareing at Christmas.

A fallback image for Food Network UK


  • For the Pastry:

  • For the Filling:


Step 1

Firstly make the filling, Melt the butter in a medium saucepan, when bubbling whisk in the flour and cook for 2 minutes. Next gradually add in the fish stock, whilst whisking continuously. Keep whisking for about 4-5 minutes, until thickened, season to taste. Place the mixture into a large baking dish and cover with cling film; place in the fridge until cold.

Step 2

Next cut the salmon into 1-inch cubes, and place into a large bowl. Add the spring onions, chives, and dill. Remove the sauce from the fridge and add it to the bowl, followed by the crème fraiche, cream and seasoning. Mix gently and set aside.

Step 3

Roll out the two sheets of pastry a little more, on a lightly floured surface and place back into the fridge for 10 minutes to firm up. Using a dinner plate, (roughly 28cm in size) cut out a circle from one of the puff pastry sheets using the plate as your template. Cut another, large circle (around 35cm in size) with the second sheet. The smaller circle will be your base, and the larger one will be the lid.

Step 4

Arrange the smaller circle of pastry onto a piece of parchment paper. Add the filling on top of the pastry, leaving a 1-inch boarder, and gently press the hard-boiled egg on top of the salmon mixture. Using a pastry brush, glaze some egg yolk around the edge of the pastry and place the larger piece of pastry on top of your base. Gently use the side of your hand to seal the two pieces of pastry together, ensuring there are no air pockets. Using a fork, gently crimp a 5mm border around the pie. Glaze the pie with the egg yolk and cut a small slit into the top of it to allow steam to escape and place the pie in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up.

Step 5

Once chilled, repeat the egg wash process, and place back into the fridge for 10 minutes. Finally score your pie using a small sharp knife. Starting from the middle, create spiral lines outwards down to the edge or score with a Christmas inspired pattern or in circular motions. Sprinkle with nigella seeds. Place it back into the fridge for another 10 minutes.

Step 6

Meanwhile, place a flat baking sheet into the oven and preheat to 220C / 200C fan/gas 4.

Step 7

Bake in the oven for around 20 minutes, then turn the oven down to 180C and cook for another 15- 20 minutes, until risen and golden brown

Step 8

Remove from the oven, allow to rest for a few minutes, then serve.

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